In the lessons on Tuesday, March 16th we were handling imaginative worlds. First we had to think about how a perfect world would be to us. We should imagine what we could see, hear, taste, smell and touch in our ideal world. Furthermore, we compared our worlds with the ones of our class mates. We recognized a lot of similarities, e.g. most of us thought about being at the beach, lying underneath a palm tree. But there were some differences, too. For example in what kind of food we would like to taste. Later we started to work on the book. So we compared 'our ideal world' to the one of Christopher. The task was to make a list of what they have in common and what is different. To me it was a bit surprising that I found even more than one similarity because this boy is the complete opposite of me. We have in common that in our perfect world we would be totally free and could do whatever we wanted and go were ever we wanted, even though our plans how to become that free are quite different (he wants nearly all people to die).Further, we checked out what Christopher's fantasy world can show us about his character. We found out that he does not really likes social contacts because he wants to be nearly alone in his world. Then we got a worksheet about the thoughts of Christopher's mother while she was talking to Christopher. We had to add what we think she could have thought in this moment. Last but not least we made two circles of intimacy – our one and Christopher's. It shows which persons have the most intimate relationship to us / Christopher. Here you can see an example of how it could look like:
(Father I – his father before Christopher finds out that he killed Wellington and lied about his mother / Father II – his father after Christopher finds out that he killed Wellington and lied about his mother)
(by Moritz)
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